the tortoise digital

Tours in the harbor

Here’s how we increased engagement, decreased response time, and generated more high quality leads.


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Tours in the Harbor

Increased Their Conversation Rate by 459%

Tours in the Harbor

Had Over 4,500 Conversations In the First Four Months. Booked 60 Demos in a Month (Without Using Forms)
See Details

About the Project

Holly Myers was looking to increase the online visibility and bookings for her business, Toursintheharbor. Her business offers guided tours of Safety Harbor, known as the “Jewel of Tampa Bay.” However, despite the high demand for guided tours in the area, her business was struggling to attract new customers and compete with larger tour companies.

"Very responsive and helpful with information before I placed my order. Finished my order in the time that was promised. I would use again and would recommend to others."


Holly Myers was looking to increase the online visibility and bookings for her business, Toursintheharbor. Her business offers guided tours of Safety Harbor, known as the “Jewel of Tampa Bay.” However, despite the high demand for guided tours in the area, her business was struggling to attract new customers and compete with larger tour companies.

The Objectives

    The main objective of the digital marketing project was to increase online visibility and generate leads through the website. The specific objectives were as follows:

    1. Improve the website’s search engine optimization (SEO) to increase its ranking on Google.
    2. Create a strong social media presence on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.
    3. Increase website traffic and generate leads through the website.
    4. Increase the online visibility and bookings for Toursintheharbor
    5. Establish Toursintheharbor as a go-to choice for guided tours of Safety Harbor
    6. Increase website traffic and online engagement

    The Solution

    To address Holly’s concerns, I worked on implementing a digital marketing strategy that would increase the online visibility of Toursintheharbor.

    • First, I conducted an in-depth SEO audit and optimized the website’s content for relevant keywords related to guided tours of Safety Harbor. 


    • Next, I created a Google My Business listing for the business to ensure that the company’s location was found on Google Maps.


    • To further increase the online presence of Toursintheharbor, I suggested creating social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. 


    • These social media accounts were used to circulate a lot of social proof, including reviews, testimonials, awards, certifications, and stats, which helped in building trust among potential customers.


    • Additionally, I created a content marketing strategy that involved publishing blogs and articles about the hidden gems of downtown Safety Harbor. This helped establish Toursintheharbor as a go-to choice for guided tours of Safety Harbor.

    Results Recap

    Final Thought

    The primary objective of the digital marketing strategy was to increase the online visibility of Toursintheharbor and attract more customers. 

    The combination of SEO optimization, Google My Business listing, social media marketing, and content marketing helped in achieving these objectives. Toursintheharbor was able to establish itself as a go-to choice for guided tours of Safety Harbor, resulting in an increase in bookings and revenue for the business.

    By implementing these strategies, the primary objective of the project was achieved.

    As I said, it’s all about a plan and a strategy for a long forward …

    (Much detailed could not be shared for time being , Will be updated)

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